PixelShow 2005 :: <insert tag-line here> |
Party Pack (a.k.a Collectible useless junk) |
We have put together a little something for all you guys visiting this year's PixelShow.
There will be availiable a party pack, consisting of:
- One PixelShow 2005 original T-shirt

- One PixelShow 2005 A4 size poster

- Two PixelShow 2005 stickers

The price is 10euro per pack.
These items are sold together, as a package. Not seperately.
Please remember that PixelShow is not about making money. We have put together these packs at nearly cost price, trying to gather some funds for supporting the party. So, please, if you like what we are doing, get your self a party pack :-)
The party packs will only be availiable to those who preorder them!
Please contact Oddie at: oddie@freemail.gr to place your preorder. Don't forget to mention your t-shirt size.
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PixelShow organising team, 2005 :: Valid HTML 4.01!